2023-04-20 16:35:49 +00:00
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Tree sitter is a fast parser that supports a number of programming languages
(use-package tree-sitter
:hook (after-init . global-tree-sitter-mode)
2023-04-20 18:59:08 +00:00
(defun tree-sitter-first-matching-child (node pred)
"Returns the first child of `node' for which `pred' returns true."
(cl-loop for i from 0 below (tsc-count-children node)
for child = (tsc-get-nth-child node i)
if (funcall pred child) return child))
2023-04-20 16:35:49 +00:00
(defun tree-sitter-get-package-name ()
"Gets the identifier name of the current buffer's package (for languages that have them)."
;; TODO is there a better way to do this?
(condition-case nil
(let* ((root (tsc-root-node tree-sitter-tree))
(child (tsc-get-nth-named-child root 0)))
(when (eq (tsc-node-type child) 'package_declaration)
(tsc-node-text (tsc-get-nth-child child 1))))
(error nil)))
(defun tree-sitter-get-enclosing-function-name (pos)
"Gets the identifier name of the method or function enclosing the position `pos', if it exists."
(condition-case nil
(let ((func (tree-sitter-node-at-pos 'method_declaration pos)))
(tsc-node-text (tsc-get-child-by-field func :name)))
(error nil)))
(defun tree-sitter-get-enclosing-class-name (pos)
"Gets the identifier name of the class enclosing the position `pos', if it exists."
(condition-case nil
(let ((class (tree-sitter-node-at-pos 'class_declaration pos)))
(tsc-node-text (tsc-get-child-by-field class :name)))
(error nil)))
(defun tree-sitter-fully-qualified-class-name (pos)
"Gets the fully-qualified class name enclosing `pos', if it exists."
(when-let* ((package (tree-sitter-get-package-name))
(class (tree-sitter-get-enclosing-class-name pos)))
2023-04-20 18:59:08 +00:00
(format "%s.%s" package class)))
(defun tree-sitter-get-enclosing-annotations (pos)
"Returns a list of annotation name strings for the current method or class."
(when-let* ((node (or (tree-sitter-node-at-pos 'method_declaration pos)
(tree-sitter-node-at-pos 'class_declaration pos)))
(mods (tree-sitter-first-matching-child
(lambda (n) (eq (tsc-node-type n) 'modifiers)))))
(cl-loop for i from 0 below (tsc-count-children mods)
for child = (tsc-get-nth-child mods i)
if (not (null (tsc-get-child-by-field child :name)))
collect (tsc-node-text (tsc-get-child-by-field child :name))))))
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(use-package tree-sitter-langs)
(provide 'init-tree-sitter)