diff --git a/emacs/init.org b/emacs/init.org
index ec081b8..bbc7386 100755
--- a/emacs/init.org
+++ b/emacs/init.org
@@ -3610,336 +3610,76 @@ For some reason Emacs is starting up with the dashboard and the *scratch* buffer
-* Mu4e
-Because email in Emacs is badass. My mail set up is based on [[http://stevelosh.com/blog/2012/10/the-homely-mutt/][this mutt setup]] and [[https://notanumber.io/2016-10-03/better-email-with-mu4e/][this mu4e setup]].
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defvar jdormit/mu4e-load-path
- (if (file-exists-p "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu/mu4e")
- "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu/mu4e"
- (if (file-exists-p "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")
- "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")))
+* Email
+I use [[https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e.html][mu/mu4e]] as my email client.
- (add-to-list 'load-path jdormit/mu4e-load-path)
- (autoload 'mu4e (concat jdormit/mu4e-load-path "/mu4e.el"))
- (autoload 'mu4e-update-index (concat jdormit/mu4e-load-path "/mu4e.el"))
+First, add it to the load path:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (defvar mu4e-load-path
+ (cond
+ ((file-exists-p "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu/mu4e")
+ "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu/mu4e")
+ ((file-exists-p "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")
+ "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")))
+ (add-to-list 'load-path mu4e-load-path)
+Then set up autoloads on the entry functions:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (autoload 'mu4e (concat mu4e-load-path "/mu4e.el"))
+ (autoload 'mu4e (concat mu4e-load-path "/mu4e.el"))
+Then configure it:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'mu4e
- (require 'org-mu4e)
+ ;; General
mu4e-maildir (expand-file-name "~/.mail")
- message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail
- mu4e-get-mail-command "mbsync -a"
mu4e-completing-read-function 'completing-read
+ mu4e-attachment-dir (expand-file-name "~/Downloads")
+ ;; Getting mail
+ mu4e-get-mail-command "mbsync -a"
+ ;; Sending mail
+ mu4e-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail
sendmail-program (executable-find "msmtp")
- mu4e-attachment-dir "~/Downloads"
- mu4e-compose-format-flowed t
- mu4e-html2text-command "w3m -dump -T text/html -o display_link_number=1"
- mu4e-change-filenames-when-moving t
- org-mu4e-link-query-in-headers-mode nil
- mu4e-maildirs-extension-custom-list
- '("/jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com/Inbox"
- "/jeremy-getpterotype-com/Inbox")
- mu4e-contexts
- (let ((per-dir "/jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com")
- (pterotype-dir "/jeremy-getpterotype-com")
- (lola-dir "/jeremydormitzer-lola-com"))
- `(,(make-mu4e-context
- :name "Pterotype"
- :match-func (lambda (msg)
- (when msg ())
- (when msg (string-match-p
- "jeremy-getpterotype-com"
- (mu4e-message-field msg :path))))
- :vars `((user-mail-address . "jeremy@getpterotype.com")
- (user-full-name . "Jeremy Dormitzer")
- (mu4e-sent-folder . ,(concat pterotype-dir "/Sent"))
- (mu4e-drafts-folder . ,(concat pterotype-dir "/Drafts"))
- (mu4e-refile-folder . ,(concat pterotype-dir "/Archive"))
- (mu4e-trash-folder . ,(concat pterotype-dir "/Trash"))
- (mu4e-sent-messages-behavior . delete)
- (mu4e-get-mail-command . "mbsync jeremy-getpterotype-com")
- (message-sendmail-extra-arguments
- . ("-a" "jeremy-getpterotype.com"))))
- ,(make-mu4e-context
- :name "GMail"
- :match-func (lambda (msg)
- (when msg (string-match-p
- "jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com"
- (mu4e-message-field msg :path))))
- :vars `((user-mail-address . "jeremy.dormitzer@gmail.com")
- (user-full-name . "Jeremy Dormitzer")
- (mu4e-sent-folder . ,(concat per-dir "/Sent"))
- (mu4e-drafts-folder . ,(concat per-dir "/Drafts"))
- (mu4e-refile-folder . ,(concat per-dir "/Archive"))
- (mu4e-trash-folder . ,(concat per-dir "/Trash"))
- (mu4e-sent-messages-behavior . delete)
- (mu4e-get-mail-command . "mbsync jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com")
- (message-sendmail-extra-arguments
- . ("-a" "jeremy.dormitzer-gmail.com"))))
- ,(make-mu4e-context
- :name "Lola"
- :match-func (lambda (msg)
- (when msg ())
- (when msg (string-match-p
- "jeremydormitzer-lola-com"
- (mu4e-message-field msg :path))))
- :vars `((user-mail-address . "jdormit@lola.com")
- (user-full-name . "Jeremy Dormitzer")
- (mu4e-sent-folder . ,(concat lola-dir "/Sent"))
- (mu4e-drafts-folder . ,(concat lola-dir "/Drafts"))
- (mu4e-refile-folder . ,(concat lola-dir "/Archive"))
- (mu4e-trash-folder . ,(concat lola-dir "/Trash"))
- (mu4e-sent-messages-behavior . delete)
- (mu4e-get-mail-command . "mbsync jeremydormitzer-lola-com")
- (message-sendmail-extra-arguments
- . ("-a" "jeremydormitzer-lola.com"))))))
+ ;; Let Gmail handle putting sent messages in the sent folder
+ mu4e-sent-messages-behavior 'delete
+ ;; Make sure mu4e knows about my different accounts
mu4e-context-policy 'ask
- mu4e-compose-context-policy 'ask-if-none))
- (jdormit/define-prefix "am" "mu4e")
- (leader-def-key "amm" 'mu4e)
-Custom actions:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defun mu4e-view-go-to-url-w3m (&optional MULTI)
- (let ((browse-url-browser-function 'w3m-browse-url))
- (mu4e-view-go-to-url MULTI)))
- (defun mu4e-action-view-in-browser-w3m (msg)
- (let ((browse-url-browser-function 'w3m-browse-url))
- (mu4e-action-view-in-browser msg)))
- (with-eval-after-load 'mu4e
- (add-to-list 'mu4e-view-actions
- '("View in browser" . mu4e-action-view-in-browser) t)
- (add-to-list 'mu4e-view-actions
- '("WView in w3m" . mu4e-action-view-in-browser-w3m) t)
- (add-to-list 'mu4e-view-actions
- '("wGo to URL with w3m" . mu4e-view-go-to-url-w3m) t))
-Make mu4e the default sendmail program:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (setq mail-user-agent 'mu4e-user-agent)
-Use the spacebar as a leader key in mu4e modes:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (general-def mu4e-main-mode-map "SPC" leader-map)
- (general-def mu4e-headers-mode-map "SPC" leader-map)
- (general-def mu4e-view-mode-map "SPC" leader-map)
-** HTML email
-*** Redefinitions
-Redefine =org-mime-insert-html-content= to export the plain part of HTML emails as ascii instead of org:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (with-eval-after-load 'org-mime
- (defun org-mime-insert-html-content (body file s opts)
- (let* ((files (org-mime-extract-non-image-files))
- ;; dvipng for inline latex because MathJax doesn't work in mail
- ;; Also @see https://github.com/org-mime/org-mime/issues/16
- ;; (setq org-html-with-latex nil) sometimes useful
- (org-html-with-latex org-mime-org-html-with-latex-default)
- ;; we don't want to convert org file links to html
- (org-html-link-org-files-as-html nil)
- (org-link-file-path-type 'absolute)
- ;; makes the replies with ">"s look nicer
- (org-export-preserve-breaks org-mime-preserve-breaks)
- (plain (org-mime--export-string body 'ascii))
- ;; org 9
- (org-html-htmlize-output-type 'inline-css)
- ;; org 8
- (org-export-htmlize-output-type 'inline-css)
- (html-and-images (org-mime-replace-images (org-mime--export-string s 'html opts)
- file))
- (images (cdr html-and-images))
- (html (org-mime-apply-html-hook (car html-and-images))))
- ;; If there are files that were attached, we should remove the links,
- ;; and mark them as attachments. The links don't work in the html file.
- (when files
- (mapc (lambda (f)
- (setq html (replace-regexp-in-string
- (format "%s"
- (regexp-quote f) (regexp-quote f))
- (format "%s (attached)" (file-name-nondirectory f))
- html)))
- files))
- (insert (org-mime-multipart plain
- html
- (mapconcat 'identity images "\n")))
- ;; Attach any residual files
- (when files
- (mapc (lambda (f)
- (when org-mime-debug (message "attaching: %s" f))
- (mml-attach-file f))
- files)))))
-And redefine =mu4e~compose-handler= to add a new hook:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defcustom jdormit-mu4e-compose-hook nil
- "Hook run after the message composition buffer is set up"
- :type 'hook
- :group 'mu4e-compose)
- (with-eval-after-load 'mu4e
- (defun* mu4e~compose-handler (compose-type &optional original-msg includes)
- "Create a new draft message, or open an existing one.
- COMPOSE-TYPE determines the kind of message to compose and is a
- symbol, either `reply', `forward', `edit', `resend' `new'. `edit'
- is for editing existing (draft) messages. When COMPOSE-TYPE is
- `reply' or `forward', MSG should be a message plist. If
- COMPOSE-TYPE is `new', ORIGINAL-MSG should be nil.
- Optionally (when forwarding, replying) ORIGINAL-MSG is the original
- message we will forward / reply to.
- Optionally (when forwarding) INCLUDES contains a list of
- (:file-name :mime-type :disposition )
- for the attachements to include; file-name refers to
- a file which our backend has conveniently saved for us (as a
- tempfile)."
- ;; Run the hooks defined for `mu4e-compose-pre-hook'. If compose-type is
- ;; `reply', `forward' or `edit', `mu4e-compose-parent-message' points to the
- ;; message being forwarded or replied to, otherwise it is nil.
- (set (make-local-variable 'mu4e-compose-parent-message) original-msg)
- (put 'mu4e-compose-parent-message 'permanent-local t)
- ;; remember the compose-type
- (set (make-local-variable 'mu4e-compose-type) compose-type)
- (put 'mu4e-compose-type 'permanent-local t)
- ;; maybe switch the context
- (mu4e~context-autoswitch mu4e-compose-parent-message
- mu4e-compose-context-policy)
- (run-hooks 'mu4e-compose-pre-hook)
- ;; this opens (or re-opens) a messages with all the basic headers set.
- (let ((winconf (current-window-configuration)))
- (condition-case nil
- (mu4e-draft-open compose-type original-msg)
- (quit (set-window-configuration winconf)
- (mu4e-message "Operation aborted")
- (return-from mu4e~compose-handler))))
- ;; insert mail-header-separator, which is needed by message mode to separate
- ;; headers and body. will be removed before saving to disk
- (mu4e~draft-insert-mail-header-separator)
- ;; maybe encrypt/sign replies
- (mu4e~compose-crypto-reply original-msg compose-type)
- ;; include files -- e.g. when forwarding a message with attachments,
- ;; we take those from the original.
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-max)) ;; put attachments at the end
- (dolist (att includes)
- (mml-attach-file
- (plist-get att :file-name) (plist-get att :mime-type))))
- ;; buffer is not user-modified yet
- (mu4e~compose-set-friendly-buffer-name compose-type)
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- ;; now jump to some useful positions, and start writing that mail!
- (if (member compose-type '(new forward))
- (message-goto-to)
- (message-goto-body))
- ;; bind to `mu4e-compose-parent-message' of compose buffer
- (set (make-local-variable 'mu4e-compose-parent-message) original-msg)
- (put 'mu4e-compose-parent-message 'permanent-local t)
- ;; hide some headers
- (mu4e~compose-hide-headers)
- ;; switch on the mode
- (mu4e-compose-mode)
- (run-hooks 'jdormit-mu4e-compose-hook)
- ;; set mu4e-compose-type once more for this buffer,
- ;; we loose it after the mode-change, it seems
- (set (make-local-variable 'mu4e-compose-type) compose-type)
- (put 'mu4e-compose-type 'permanent-local t)
- (when mu4e-compose-in-new-frame
- ;; make sure to close the frame when we're done with the message these are
- ;; all buffer-local;
- (push 'delete-frame message-exit-actions)
- (push 'delete-frame message-postpone-actions))))
-*** Actual HTML mail logic
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (with-eval-after-load 'mu4e (require 'org-mu4e))
- (use-package org-mime
- :after (mu4e org)
- :config
- (setq org-mime-export-options '(:section-numbers nil
- :with-author nil
- :with-toc nil)))
- (defun htmlize-and-send ()
- (interactive)
- (when (member 'org~mu4e-mime-switch-headers-or-body post-command-hook)
- (org-mime-htmlize)
- (message-send-and-exit)))
- (add-hook 'org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook #'htmlize-and-send t)
- (defun setup-compose-buffer ()
- (org-mu4e-compose-org-mode))
- (add-hook 'jdormit-mu4e-compose-hook #'setup-compose-buffer)
-When citing (quoting) messages in a reply, wrap them in org quote blocks instead of prefixing each line with '> ':
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defun jdormit-citation-line-function ()
- (message-insert-citation-line)
- (insert "#+BEGIN_QUOTE\n"))
- (defun jdormit-cite-function ()
- (let ((message-yank-prefix "")
- (message-yank-cited-prefix "")
- (message-yank-empty-prefix ""))
- (save-excursion
- (message-cite-original)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert "\n#+END_QUOTE"))))
- (with-eval-after-load 'mu4e
- (setq message-citation-line-function #'jdormit-citation-line-function
- mu4e-compose-cite-function #'jdormit-cite-function))
-Some keybindings to send the current org buffer or subtree as an email:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (general-def org-mode-map "C-c m" #'org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize)
- (general-def org-mode-map "C-c s" #'org-mime-org-subtree-htmlize)
-* Mu4e-alert
-Desktop notifications for mu4e emails.
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-;; (defun jdormit-get-mu4e-alert-style ()
-;; (if (memq window-system '(mac ns))
-;; 'notifier
-;; 'libnotify))
-;; (use-package mu4e-alert
-;; :config
-;; (setq mu4e-alert-interesting-mail-query
-;; (concat
-;; "flag:unread maildir:/jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com/Inbox"
-;; " OR flag:unread maildir:/jeremy-dormitzer-net/Inbox"
-;; " OR flag:unread maildir:/jeremydormitzer-lola-com/Inbox"
-;; " OR flag:unread maildir:/jeremy-getpterotype-com/Inbox"))
-;; (mu4e-alert-set-default-style (jdormit-get-mu4e-alert-style))
-;; (mu4e-alert-enable-notifications)
-;; (mu4e-alert-enable-mode-line-display)
-;; (leader-def-key "amu" #'mu4e-alert-view-unread-mails))
+ mu4e-compose-context-policy 'ask
+ mu4e-contexts
+ `(,(make-mu4e-context
+ :name "Personal Gmail"
+ :match-func (lambda (msg)
+ (when msg
+ (string-match-p
+ "jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com"
+ (mu4e-message-field msg :path))))
+ :vars '((user-email-address . "jeremy.dormitzer@gmail.com")
+ (mu4e-sent-folder . "/jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com/Sent")
+ (mu4e-drafts-folder . "/jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com/Drafts")
+ (mu4e-refile-folder . "/jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com/Archive")
+ (mu4e-trash-folder . "/jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com/Trash")
+ (mu4e-get-mail-command . "mbsync jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com")
+ (message-sendmail-extra-arguments
+ . ("-a" "jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com"))))
+ ,(make-mu4e-context
+ :name "Lola Gmail"
+ :match-func (lambda (msg)
+ (when msg
+ (string-match-p
+ "jeremydormitzer-lola-com"
+ (mu4e-message-field msg :path))))
+ :vars '((user-email-address . "jeremydormitzer@lola.com")
+ (mu4e-sent-folder . "/jeremydormitzer-lola-com/Sent")
+ (mu4e-drafts-folder . "/jeremydormitzer-lola-com/Drafts")
+ (mu4e-refile-folder . "/jeremydormitzer-lola-com/Archive")
+ (mu4e-trash-folder . "/jeremydormitzer-lola-com/Trash")
+ (mu4e-get-mail-command . "mbsync jeremydormitzer-lola-com")
+ (message-sendmail-extra-arguments
+ . ("-a" "jeremydormitzer-lola-com")))))))
* w3m
Browsing the web from Emacs. Relies on having [[http://w3m.sourceforge.net/][w3m]] installed.
diff --git a/msmtp/.msmtprc b/msmtp/.msmtprc
index 73980dd..4c71839 100644
--- a/msmtp/.msmtprc
+++ b/msmtp/.msmtprc
@@ -7,23 +7,12 @@ tls on
tls_starttls on
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
-account jeremy.dormitzer-gmail.com
+account jeremy-dormitzer-gmail-com
from jeremy.dormitzer@gmail.com
user jeremy.dormitzer@gmail.com
passwordeval pass show imap.gmail.com | head -n 1
-account jeremy-dormitzer.net
-host mail.dormitzer.net
-from jeremy@dormitzer.net
-user jeremy@dormitzer.net
-passwordeval pass show jeremy@dormitzer.net | head -n 1
-account jeremy-getpterotype.com
-from jeremy@getpterotype.com
-user jeremy@getpterotype.com
-passwordeval pass show jeremy@getpterotype.com | head -n 1
-account jeremydormitzer-lola.com
+account jeremydormitzer-lola-com
from jeremydormitzer@lola.com
user jeremydormitzer@lola.com
passwordeval pass show jeremydormitzer@lola.com | head -n 1