372 lines
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372 lines
13 KiB
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; A nice interface for running long-running local programs
(use-package prodigy
:commands (prodigy)
('normal prodigy-mode-map "SPC" leader-map)
('normal prodigy-view-mode-map "SPC" leader-map)
(prodigy-completion-system 'default)
;; Add ability to associate a file with service logs instead of a buffer
(defun prodigy-service-file (service)
"Return SERVICE file.
If SERVICE file exists, use that. If not, find the first SERVICE
tag that has a file and return that."
(let ((file (prodigy-service-or-first-tag-with service :file)))
(if (functionp file)
(prodigy-callback-with-plist file service)
(defun prodigy-display-process-file-or-buffer ()
(when-let (service (prodigy-service-at-pos))
(if-let (file (prodigy-service-file service))
(find-file-literally file)
:states 'normal
:keymaps 'local
"Q" #'kill-this-buffer))
(prodigy-switch-to-process-buffer service))))
(general-def 'normal prodigy-mode-map "`" #'prodigy-display-process-file-or-buffer)
;; Add ability to inhibit all output processing
(defun prodigy-start-service (service &optional callback)
"Start process associated with SERVICE unless already started.
When CALLBACK function is specified, that is called when the
process has been started.
When the process is started, a timer starts and checks every
second for `prodigy-start-tryouts' times if the process is live.
If the process is not live after `prodigy-start-tryouts' seconds,
the process is put in failed status."
(declare (indent 1))
(unless (prodigy-service-started-p service)
(let* ((default-directory
(-if-let (cwd (prodigy-service-cwd service))
(f-full cwd)
(name (plist-get service :name))
(sudo (plist-get service :sudo))
(command (prodigy-service-command service))
(args (prodigy-service-args service))
(exec-path (append (prodigy-service-path service) exec-path))
(env (--map (s-join "=" it) (prodigy-service-env service)))
(process-environment (append env process-environment))
(process nil)
(lambda ()
(unless process
(setq process (apply (if sudo 'prodigy-start-sudo-process 'start-process)
(append (list name nil command) args)))))))
(-when-let (init (prodigy-service-init service))
(funcall init))
(-when-let (init-async (prodigy-service-init-async service))
(let (callbacked)
(lambda ()
(setq callbacked t)
(funcall create-process)))
(error "Did not callback async callback within %s seconds"
(while (not callbacked) (accept-process-output nil 0.005)))))
(funcall create-process)
(let ((tryout 0))
(prodigy-every 1
(lambda (next)
(setq tryout (1+ tryout))
(if (process-live-p process)
(when callback (funcall callback))
(if (= tryout prodigy-start-tryouts)
(prodigy-set-status service 'failed)
(funcall next))))))
(plist-put service :process process)
(when (not (plist-get service :inhibit-process-filter))
(lambda (_ output)
(run-hook-with-args 'prodigy-process-on-output-hook service output))))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil))))
(add-hook 'prodigy-view-mode-hook (lambda () (toggle-truncate-lines 1)))
;; Actual service definitions begin here
(defun call-with-venv (venv callback)
(let ((venv-dir (cond
((file-exists-p venv) venv)
(format "$WORKON_HOME/%s" venv)))
(format "$WORKON_HOME/%s" venv)))
(t (error "virtual environment %s does not exist" venv)))))
(call-with-env-from-file (format "%s/bin/activate" venv-dir) callback)))
(defun kill-log-buffers ()
(kill-matching-buffers "\\.log$" nil t)
(message "Killed log buffers"))
(cl-defun python-service-setup (venv &optional env-file &key env-dir)
(lambda (done)
(if env-file
(lambda ()
(call-with-env-from-file env-file done :dir env-dir))
(defun call-with-lola-env (callback)
(let ((process-environment
(cons (format "LOLA_ENV=%s"
"Environment: "
'("local" "development" "staging")))
(funcall callback)))
:name 'lola)
:name "lola-server (gunicorn)"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "bash"
:args (lambda ()
"gunicorn -c server/web/gunicorn.conf.py \
-b bin.start_web:init_and_create_flask_app\\(\\) \
>> ~/lola/logs/lola-server.log 2>&1"))
:file "~/lola/logs/lola-server.log"
:inhibit-process-filter t
:cwd "~/lola/core-services/lola_server"
:stop-signal 'int
:truncate-output t
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/core-services/.venv"
:name "lola-server celery worker"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "python"
:args '("bin/start_celery_worker.py" "-P" "gevent" "-n" "lola-server")
:cwd "~/lola/core-services/lola_server"
:stop-signal 'int
:truncate-output t
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/core-services/.venv"
:name "travel-service"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "bash"
:args (lambda ()
"-c" "python bin/start_web.py >> ~/lola/logs/travel-svc.log 2>&1"))
:cwd "~/lola/core-services/travel_service"
:file "~/lola/logs/travel-svc.log"
:inhibit-process-filter t
:stop-signal 'int
:truncate-output t
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/core-services/.venv"
:name "travel-service celery worker"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "bash"
:args (lambda ()
(concat "python "
"bin/start_celery_workers.py "
"-n " "travel-service "
">> ~/lola/logs/travel-svc-celery.log 2>&1")))
:file "~/lola/logs/travel-svc-celery.log"
:inhibit-process-filter t
:cwd "~/lola/core-services/travel_service"
:stop-signal 'int
:truncate-output t
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/core-services/.venv"
:name "secrets"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "python"
:args '("bin/cmdline.py" "www")
:env '(("PORT" "7450"))
:cwd "~/lola/secrets"
:truncate-output t
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/.pyenv/versions/secrets"
:name "lola-desktop"
:tags '(lola frontend)
:command "npm"
:args '("start")
:cwd "~/lola/lola-desktop"
:port 3001
:env '(("PORT" "3001"))
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async #'call-with-lola-env)
:name "wallet"
:tags '(lola frontend)
:command "npm"
:args '("start")
:cwd "~/lola/wallet"
:stop-signal 'int
:env '(("PORT" "3000"))
:init-async #'call-with-lola-env)
:name "agent-console"
:command "npm"
:args '("start")
:cwd "~/lola/agent-console"
:stop-signal 'int
:env '(("PORT" "3002"))
:init-async (lambda (done)
(lambda ()
(nvm-use "v10.15.1" done)))))
:name "luigid"
:command "luigid"
:cwd "~/lola/data-pipeline"
:port 8082
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async (python-service-setup "data-pipeline"
:name "prometheus"
:command "prometheus"
:args '("--config.file=prometheus.yml")
:port 9090
:stop-signal 'int
:cwd "~/prometheus")
:name "priceline-service"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "~/lola/python-services/priceline/bin/start.sh"
:args '("web-dev")
:cwd "~/lola/python-services"
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/python-services/.venv"
:env-dir "~/lola/python-services"))
:name "priceline-cars-service"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "bash"
:args '("-c"
"priceline_cars/bin/start.sh web-dev >> ~/lola/logs/priceline-cars.log 2>&1")
:cwd "~/lola/python-services"
:inhibit-process-filter t
:file "~/lola/logs/priceline-cars.log"
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/python-services/.venv"
:env-dir "~/lola/python-services"))
:name "threev-service"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "~/lola/python-services/threev/bin/start.sh"
:args '("web-dev")
:cwd "~/lola/python-services"
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/python-services/.venv"
:env-dir "~/lola/python-services"))
:name "amd-flight-service"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "~/lola/python-services/amd_flight/bin/start.sh"
:args '("web-dev")
:cwd "~/lola/python-services"
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/python-services/.venv"
:env-dir "~/lola/python-services"))
:name "ean-hotels-service"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "bash"
:args '("-c"
"ean_hotels/bin/start.sh web-dev >> ~/lola/logs/ean-hotels.log 2>&1")
:cwd "~/lola/python-services"
:inhibit-process-filter t
:file "~/lola/logs/ean-hotels.log"
:stop-signal 'kill
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/python-services/.venv"
:env-dir "~/lola/python-services"))
:name "smp-hotels-service"
:command "bash"
:args '("-c"
"smp_hotels/bin/start.sh web >> ~/lola/logs/smp-hotels.log 2>&1")
:cwd "~/lola/python-services"
:inhibit-process-filter t
:file "~/lola/logs/smp-hotels.log"
:stop-signal 'kill
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/python-services/.venv"
:env-dir "~/lola/python-services"))
:name "email-template-service"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "npm"
:args '("start")
:cwd "~/lola/email-template-service"
:env '(("PORT" "7300"))
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async (lambda (done)
(nvm-use "10.15.1" done)))
:name "mabl-link-agent"
:command "link-agent"
:args (lambda ()
(list "-a" (password-store-get "mabl-link-agent")
"-n" "jdormit-macbook")))
:name "xray-daemon"
:command "xray_mac"
:args '("-o" "-n" "us-east-1"))
:name "spend-service"
:tags '(lola backend)
:command "~/lola/python-services/spend/bin/start.sh"
:args '("web-dev")
:cwd "~/lola/python-services"
:stop-signal 'int
:init-async (python-service-setup "~/lola/python-services/.venv"
:env-dir "~/lola/python-services")))
(provide 'init-prodigy)