variable "do_token" { type = string } variable "spaces_access_id" { type = string } variable "spaces_secret_key" { type = string } variable "name" { description = "Droplet name" type = string } variable "packer_manifest" { description = "Path to the packer manifest JSON file" type = string default = "../packer/packer-manifest.json" } variable "region" { description = "Droplet region" type = string default = "nyc1" } variable "droplet_size" { description = "Droplet size descriptor" type = string default = "s-1vcpu-1gb" } variable "backups" { description = "Whether to enable droplet backups" type = bool default = true } variable "tags" { description = "List of tags to be applied to created resources" type = list(string) default = ["terraform"] } output "droplet_id" { description = "Droplet ID" value = } output "droplet_ip_address" { description = "Droplet IPv4 address" value = digitalocean_droplet.droplet.ipv4_address } output "droplet_urn" { description = "Droplet URN" value = digitalocean_droplet.droplet.urn }