Refactor sidebar to make it reloadable without losing state
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,30 +84,34 @@
(get-in-item (nth (:children item) fdepth) rdepth)))
(defn model
"Returns initial sidebar state"
{:item nil
:hits nil
:depth []
:loading false})
(defonce state
(atom {:item nil
:hits nil
:depth []
:loading false}))
(defn update-state
"Given a message and the old state, returns the new state"
[msg state]
"Given a message, returns the new state"
(case (:type msg)
:got-item (-> state
(assoc :item (:item msg))
(assoc :loading false))
:got-hits (-> state
(assoc :hits (:hits msg))
(assoc :loading false))
:enq-depth (assoc state :depth (conj (:depth state) (:index msg)))
:deq-depth (assoc state :depth
(subvec (:depth state) 0 (- (count (:depth state)) 1)))
:clear-item (assoc state :item nil)
:loading (assoc state :loading (:loading msg))
:got-item (swap! state
#(-> %
(assoc :item (:item msg))
(assoc :loading false)))
:got-hits (swap! state
#(-> %
(assoc :hits (:hits msg))
(assoc :loading false)))
:enq-depth (swap! state
#(assoc % :depth (conj (:depth @state) (:index msg))))
:deq-depth (swap! state
#(assoc % :depth
(subvec (:depth @state) 0 (- (count (:depth @state)) 1))))
:clear-item (swap! state
#(assoc % :item nil))
:loading (swap! state
#(assoc % :loading (:loading msg)))
(defn view
"Given a callback to dispatch an update message and the sidebar state, returns the sidebar DOM"
@ -244,14 +248,17 @@
{:type :clear-item})))))))
(declare run-render-loop)
(defn dispatch-message [msg]
(let [new-state (update-state msg)]
(run-render-loop new-state)))
(defn run-render-loop
"Runs the model-update-view loop"
(let [dispatch-message (fn [msg]
(let [new-state (update-state msg state)]
(run-render-loop new-state)))]
(render (view dispatch-message state))
(handle-events dispatch-message state)))
(render (view dispatch-message state))
(handle-events dispatch-message state))
(defn fetch-hits
"Fetch hits in the Algolia API matching the URL"
@ -267,12 +274,12 @@
(defn init
"Initializes the sidebar"
(let [initial-state (update-state {:type :loading :loading true} (model))]
(let [initial-state (update-state {:type :loading :loading true})]
(run-render-loop initial-state)
(go (-> (fetch-hits)
(#(update-state {:type :got-hits
:hits %} initial-state))
:hits %}))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user