[WIP] Implement pattern matcher and in-memory store

This is currently broken.
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Dormitzer 2019-07-14 19:48:05 -04:00
parent f013c5a889
commit 389f62f466
9 changed files with 233 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
(ns sicp-logic.core)
(declare qeval)
(defn var? [exp])
(defn binding-in-frame [var frame]
"Returns the value the `var` is bound to in `frame`, or nil."
(frame (second var)))
(defn instantiate [q frame unbound-var-handler]
"Instantiates the query `q` with the variables bound in `frame`."
(letfn [(copy [exp]
(cond (var? exp) (let [binding-value (binding-in-frame exp frame)]
(if binding-value
(copy binding-value)
(unbound-var-handler exp frame)))
(sequential? exp) (cons (copy (first exp)) (copy (rest exp)))
:else exp))]
(copy q)))
(defn conjoin [conjuncts input-frames]
(if (empty? conjuncts)
(conjoin (rest conjuncts)
(qeval (first conjuncts) input-frames))))
(defn disjoin [disjuncts input-frames]
(if (empty? disjuncts)
(concat (qeval (first disjuncts) input-frames)
(disjoin (rest disjuncts) input-frames))))
(defn negate [operands input-frames]
(fn [frame]
(empty? (qeval operands [frame])))
(defn execute [exp]
(let [predicate (first exp)
args (rest exp)]
(apply (eval predicate) args)))
(defn lisp-value [call input-frames]
(fn [frame]
(if (execute
(fn [v f]
(throw (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unknown pattern variable -- LISP-VALUE: " v))))))
(defn find-assertions [query frame])
(defn apply-rules [query frame])
(defn simple-query [q input-frames]
"Processes a simple query, producing a sequence of frames with bindings for the variables in `q`."
(fn [frame]
(find-assertions q frame)
(apply-rules q frame)))
(defn qeval [q input-frames]
"Evaluates the query `q` in the context of the `input-frames`."
(let [q-type (first q)]
(= q-type 'and) (conjoin (rest q) input-frames)
(= q-type 'or) (disjoin (rest q) input-frames)
(= q-type 'not) (negate (rest q) input-frames)
(= q-type 'lisp-value) (lisp-value (rest q) input-frames)
:else (simple-query q input-frames))))
(defn contract-question-mark [v]
(str "?"
(second v))))
(defn map-over-symbols [proc exp]
(and (sequential? exp) (not (empty? exp)))
(cons (map-over-symbols proc (first exp))
(map-over-symbols proc (rest exp)))
(symbol? exp) (proc exp)
:else exp))
(defn expand-question-mark [sym]
(let [chars (str sym)]
(if (= "?" (subs chars 0 1))
['? (symbol (subs chars 1))]
(defn query-syntax-process [q]
(map-over-symbols #'expand-question-mark q))
(defmacro query [q]
"Queries the database for assertions that match the query."
`(map (fn [frame]
(instantiate (quote ~q) frame (fn [v f] (contract-question-mark v))))
(qeval (query-syntax-process (quote ~q)) [{}])))
(defmacro assert! []
"Adds a new assertion to the database.")
(defmacro defrule []
"Adds a new rule to the database.")

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
(ns sicp-logic.assertions
(:require [sicp-logic.db :as db]
[sicp-logic.match :refer [pattern-match]]))
(defn fetch-assertions [db query frame]
(db/fetch-assertions db query frame))
(defn check-an-assertion [assertion query frame]
(let [match-result (pattern-match query assertion frame)]
(if (= match-result :failed)
(defn find-assertions [db query frame]
(fn [assertion]
(check-an-assertion assertion query frame))
(fetch-assertions db query frame)))

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
(ns sicp-logic.binding)
(defn var? [exp]
(and (sequential? exp) (= (first exp) '?)))
(defn binding-in-frame [var frame]
"Returns the value the `var` is bound to in `frame`, or nil."
(frame (second var)))
(defn extend [var data frame]
"Binds `var` to `data` in `frame`"
(assoc frame (second var) data))
(defn instantiate [q frame unbound-var-handler]
"Instantiates the query `q` with the variables bound in `frame`."
(letfn [(copy [exp]
(cond (var? exp) (let [binding-value (binding-in-frame exp frame)]
(if binding-value
(copy binding-value)
(unbound-var-handler exp frame)))
(and (sequential? exp) (not (empty? exp))) (cons (copy (first exp)) (copy (rest exp)))
:else exp))]
(copy q)))

src/sicp_logic/core.clj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
(ns sicp-logic.core
(:require [sicp-logic.binding :refer [instantiate]]
[sicp-logic.db :refer [add-assertion]]
[sicp-logic.evaluator :refer [qeval]]))
(defn contract-question-mark [v]
(str "?"
(second v))))
(defn map-over-symbols [proc exp]
(and (sequential? exp) (not (empty? exp)))
(cons (map-over-symbols proc (first exp))
(map-over-symbols proc (rest exp)))
(symbol? exp) (proc exp)
:else exp))
(defn expand-question-mark [sym]
(let [chars (str sym)]
(if (= "?" (subs chars 0 1))
['? (symbol (subs chars 1))]
(defn query-syntax-process [q]
(map-over-symbols #'expand-question-mark q))
(defmacro query [db q]
"Queries the database for assertions that match the query."
(letfn [(process-frame [q frame]
(instantiate q frame (fn [v f] (contract-question-mark v))))]
`(map ~process-frame
(qeval ~db (query-syntax-process (quote ~q)) [{}]))))
(defn assert! [db assertion]
"Adds a new assertion to the database."
(add-assertion db assertion))
(defmacro defrule []
"Adds a new rule to the database.")

src/sicp_logic/db.clj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
(ns sicp-logic.db)
(defprotocol FactDB
"The FactDB protocol specifies methods to store and retrieve
assertions (facts) and rules."
(fetch-assertions [db query frame] "Fetches assertions that may match the given query and frame.")
(add-assertion [db assertion] "Stores an assertion (a fact) in the database."))

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
(ns sicp-logic.db.memory
(:require [sicp-logic.binding :refer [instantiate var?]]
[sicp-logic.db :refer [FactDB]]))
(defn use-index? [query]
(not (var? (first query))))
(defn get-indexed-assertions [db query]
(get (deref (:index db)) (first query)))
(defn get-all-assertions [db]
(deref (:store db)))
(defn indexable? [assertion]
(not (var? (first assertion))))
(defn index-assertion! [db assertion]
(:index db)
(fn [index]
(let [index-value (or (get index (first assertion)) [])]
(conj index-value assertion)))))
(defn store! [db assertion]
(swap! (:store db) (fn [assertions] (conj assertions assertion))))
(defrecord InMemoryDB [index store]
(fetch-assertions [db query frame]
(let [instantiated (instantiate query frame (fn [v f] v))]
(if (use-index? query)
(get-indexed-assertions db query)
(get-all-assertions db))))
(add-assertion [db assertion]
(when (indexable? assertion)
(index-assertion! db assertion))
(store! db assertion)))
(defn new-db []
(->InMemoryDB (atom {}) (atom [])))

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
(ns sicp-logic.evaluator
(:require [sicp-logic.binding :refer [instantiate]]
[sicp-logic.assertions :refer [find-assertions]]
[sicp-logic.rules :refer [apply-rules]]))
(declare qeval)
(defn conjoin [db conjuncts input-frames]
(if (empty? conjuncts)
(conjoin db
(rest conjuncts)
(qeval db (first conjuncts) input-frames))))
(defn disjoin [db disjuncts input-frames]
(if (empty? disjuncts)
(concat (qeval db (first disjuncts) input-frames)
(disjoin db (rest disjuncts) input-frames))))
(defn negate [db operands input-frames]
(fn [frame]
(empty? (qeval db operands [frame])))
(defn execute [exp]
(let [predicate (first exp)
args (rest exp)]
(apply (eval predicate) args)))
(defn lisp-value [call input-frames]
"Evaluates `call` with any logic variables in it instantiated for each
input frame. If the call returns a falsy value, filter that frame out."
(fn [frame]
(if (execute
(fn [v f]
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Unknown pattern variable -- LISP-VALUE: " v))))))
(defn simple-query [db q input-frames]
"Processes a simple query, producing a sequence of frames with bindings for the variables in `q`."
(fn [frame]
(find-assertions db q frame)
(apply-rules db q frame)))
(defn qeval [db q input-frames]
"Evaluates the query `q` in the context of the `input-frames` using
assertions and rules from the `db`."
(let [q-type (first q)]
(= q-type 'and) (conjoin (rest q) input-frames)
(= q-type 'or) (disjoin (rest q) input-frames)
(= q-type 'not) (negate (rest q) input-frames)
(= q-type 'lisp-value) (lisp-value (rest q) input-frames)
:else (simple-query db q input-frames))))

src/sicp_logic/match.clj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
(ns sicp-logic.match
(:require [sicp-logic.binding :refer [binding-in-frame extend var?]]))
(declare pattern-match)
(defn extend-if-consistent [var data frame]
"Extends `frame` by binding `var` to `data` as long as this is
consistent with the bindings already in `frame`."
(let [binding-value (binding-in-frame var frame)]
(if binding-value
(pattern-match binding-value data frame) ;; recursive call to bind any variables in the binding-value
(extend var data frame))))
(defn pattern-match [pattern data frame]
"Matches `pattern` against `data`, returning either a new frame
with the pattern variables bound or the keyword :failed if matching
;; If the frame has already failed, fail
(= frame :failed) :failed
;; If the pattern already equals the data,
;; the frame already has the correct bindings
(= pattern data) frame
;; If the pattern is a variable, try to extend the frame by binding that
;; variable to the data
(var? pattern) (extend-if-consistent pattern data frame)
;; If the pattern and data are both lists, recurse into the list
(and (sequential? pattern) (sequential? data))
(rest pattern)
(rest data)
(pattern-match (first pattern)
(first data)
;; Otherwise we can't match this pattern
:else :failed))

src/sicp_logic/rules.clj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(ns sicp-logic.rules)
(defn apply-rules [db query frame])